Unique flavors not found everywhere...

In the heart of the Eastern Hills of Friuli lies Cividale del Friuli: a beautiful UNESCO heritage town, in whose historic centre, opposite the Ristori Theatre, our restaurant is set.

It is an elegant wine bar-restaurant designed by architect Ennore Pascolini, who oversaw its extension and furnishing in the 1970s, and which owes its fame to the De Feo family: in particular to Mr Dino and his wife, Mrs Marisa, and their son Romano

After the transfer of ownership to the Ermacora winery in 2004, we are proud to take today the witness of such a historic and prestigious place, which, in honor of the bravery of the founders, it would have been a real shame to change its name.

We are Pietro and Ilenia: husband and wife, chef and sommelier, a couple in life and at work, in love with our roots and our territory, which we wish to tell through the nuances, aromas and flavours of its wines and cuisine.

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